Monday, September 6, 2021

My sour lolly challenge

 This is my sour lolly challenge. I did this because     Mrs Raisin told me to because Miss Corry gave me a sour gecko because I came 1st in the goose chase.


  1. Hi Maddison, I'm pretty impressed at the straight face! I wonder if Miss Corry could have kept the same straight face if she were shown too? (I couldn't keep a straight face at all!)

    1. No I definitely could not, sour lollies always makes me scrunch my face up! Maddison is amazing at being able to keep a straight face! You deserved it Maddison you have been working very hard at school in our bubble, I don't want to send you back to Ms Raisin :P

    2. Miss Corry, I fear that you might hide her in the cupboard and not return her. I'm prepared to undertake a retrieval mission if I have to. Maddison'a work ethic and ability to live her school values are absolutely outstanding. For a Year 4, she is an outstanding role model already!

    3. Mis Raisin does not mean any of that. You can lock me in the cuberde any tyme Miss Corry.

  2. Dear Maddison,
    I love the way you had a stright face. I wonder what is you faverite sour lolli. I think next time you should put miss Corry's picther in. Do you like sour lollis?

    1. I love sour lollies and my favorite sour lolly is the sourest lolly in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I agree, super impressive that you managed to keep a straight face! I wanted to screw up my face just watching you eat it. I wonder if you found it difficult or easy? Have you ever tried anything else that was really sour? I don't really like sour things I don't think I could keep my face straight :-)

  4. Malo e lelei Maddison.
    I like how you sent us an email and suggested that we view your blog post. Watching you eat that lolly, you can't even tell that it's sour. If it was me eating it I would have facials and weird sounds throughout all of it.
